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  • thelegislator2009

Reps Asks FG To Establish Inland Dry Port In South East

Hon. Paul Nnamchi

By Benard Akoma

In a motion of urgent public importance, the federal House of Representatives has called on the federal government to consider the business environment of the South East and establish a dry seaport in the region.

Hon. Prof Paul Sunday Nnamchi, member representing Enugu East/ Isi-uzo Federal Constituency of Enugu State in his contributions, stated that South East more than any other zone deserves such facilities in the area.

He therefore moved a motion on the urgent need for the Federal Government to establish an inland dry port in Enugu State and it was seconded by Hon. Bitrus Laori.

Hon. Nnamchi in leading the debate stated that the motion arises from the need to boost economic activities in the Maritime sector in Enugu State as the proposed site is well situated to accommodate such.

Containers at Lion Business Park, 9th Mile Corner

"This inland dry port," he stated, "would boost the already available opportunity for economic diversification and inter-connectivity of trades in the State."

He further stated that the transport of agricultural produce nationwide will also be further boosted .

Hon. Nnamchi called on the House Committee on Ports and Harbour to liaise with the Nigeria Ports Authority to ensure this all important inland dry port is established and that the Committee on Legislative Compliance should ensure compliance with the prayer of the motion.

The motion was voted on, adopted and referred to the House Committee on Ports and Harbor as well as that on Legislative Compliance.

Meanwhile, it's on record that a dry seaport, owned by a private investor, already exists in Enugu State.

Situated in over 2000 hectares of a developing city known as Lion Business park at the 9th mile corner of Enugu state, the dry seaport already received goods from Apapa and PortHarcourt sea ports.

The business however will be boosted if government heeds the lawmakers call to invest in such projects in South East.

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