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Speaker Abbas Says Teachers Are Destiny Moulders And Life Changers

....*As Deputy Assures Teacher's Rewards Here On Earth*.

By legislatorvoice

This year's World Teacher's Day provided the opportunity for Speaker of the House of Representatives Hon. Abbas Tajudeen, to congratulate teachers in Nigeria and all over the world for their immeasurable contributions to society.

The Speaker, himself, a former teacher, described teachers "as destiny moulders and life changers."

A release by Musa Abdullahi Krishi, Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to the Speaker, stated that Abbas also hailed teachers for their critical roles in the mental and behavioural development of their pupils and students.

The Speaker noted that teachers are not only to educate but also serve as guardians and mentors to the wards in the schools at all levels.

The Speaker seized the occasion to assure teachers of the readiness of the 10th House of representatives under his leadership, to assist the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu administration towards the development of the education sector in the country as well as better welfare for workers in the sector.

He called on all hands to be on deck to ensure that standards in the sector do not fall, so as to ensure that graduates have the academic and moral qualifications to become leaders of tomorrow.

Meanwhile, his Deputy, Benjamin Kalu, while congratulating the teachers, promised them that they will no longer wait for their rewards in heaven as has been the popular clichè, assuring that the 10th national Assembly will ensure that they are rewarded here on earth.

Kalu who gave the assurance at the plenary on Thursday, October 5, in celebration of the 2023 World Teacher’s Day, noted that without education, no development can take place.

In a release by Udora Orizu, Special Assistant on Press Affairs to the Deputy Speaker, he was quoted as saying that, "I’m praying that you start reaping your rewards here on earth before heaven. And through legislative interventions we are going to partner with the executive to make sure we better the lots of teachers who are trying to make sure that we raise a generation that will help in nation building, because without education, you cannot have a nation built that will be stable, competitive among the comity of nations. We appreciate all your efforts, we do not take it for granted, and through thick and thin you have been raising generals that will make our nation great. We commend you the teachers and happy teachers day."

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